It is believed that Human Resource Department is responsible for framing and amendment of the SEF (Conduct of Business) Rules, amendment of Sindh Education Foundation Act 1992, the rules except of financial and recruitment rules made under the Act. HRD also focuses on management of people within companies, emphasizing on policies and systems. HRD also deals with the management of employees’ records, profiles, making of identity cards, matters relating to appointment, promotion, retirement, leave, seniority, transfer/posting and such other service matters. More precisely, HRD is also oversees employee assessment like performance appraisal, facilitating proper compensation and benefits, encouragement, maintaining proper relations and taking care of employee safety, welfare and health by complying with rules/policy of the Foundation
Human Resource Department

Recent News
- Planning and Organizing Events, Seminars, Workshops
- Strengthening associations with the private sectors, academic institutions