The General Administration and Coordination Department is considered as a backbone of an organization. At SEF, GA&C department is committed to manage and regulate matters relating to Procurement including constitution of the procurement Committee, Sindh Public Procurement Authority, development of policy and protocols and coordination with the stakeholders, general office management, assets management, proper dissemination and utilization of stationaries and printing resources. GA&C also looks into transportation matters at grassroots level. The GA&C Department is further breakdown into two Departments, one is Administration Department and other is Procurement Department, thus, the assignments/ToRs are allocated accordingly. Administration Department is responsible for the maintaining records and assets management of the Foundation, it also provides support to other units/departments/programs in terms of transportation, dissemination of printing resources and stationery and Inter departmental administrative works on routine basis.
General Administration and Coordination Department

Recent News
- Planning and Organizing Events, Seminars, Workshops
- Strengthening associations with the private sectors, academic institutions